
Hey y'all,
Black Josei Press changed my life when I launched it back in 2018; and now 6 years later, my life has changed in other ways (#bars), some for the better, some not.
During that time, I’ve become disabled due to chronic pain and illness. My health has only worsened, so at the end of this year, Black Josei Press will go on indefinite hiatus. I’m not sure when we’ll come back, or if we will come back. But I do know that right now, I don’t have the health, time, or money to keep the press running.
These last 6 years have been filled with highs and lows regarding my health and personal life, and I’m grateful to have Black Josei Press as a peak I can always stand on. I sincerely thank the BJP creators, readers, retailers, libraries, colleges, and conventions who support us.
But I, Jamila Rowser, ain’t goin’ nowhere! I’ll still be writing and editing comics. I’m also available for presentations/talks, cons, panels, and other gigs of the sort. If you’re interested in hiring me, reach out to me or my agent.
You can follow me at @JamilaRowser on Twitter, Bluesky, Instagram, Threads, and my Newsletter to stay up-to-date, and email me at jamila@jamilarowser.com.
Hiatus Tour
Robyn Smith, BJP OG Triple OG, created the beautiful Black Josei Press Hiatus Tour illustration above (I got emotional when I saw this). Robyn and Tony Tony Turtle/Wayne will continue to table for BJP like the heroes they are—all except for Thought Bubble and SLICE which I’ll be attending in person.
- SchomCom/Black Comic Book Festival, April 26-27, Harlem, New York
- Toronto Comics and Arts Festival (TCAF), May 11-12, Toronto, Canada
- Small Press Expo (SPX), Sept. 14-15, Bethesda, Maryland
- St. Louis Independent Comics Expo (SLICE), Oct. 25-26, St. Louis, Missouri
- Thought Bubble, Nov. 16-17, Yorkshire, England
Hiatus deets:
- As of April 25th, the shop is now selling physical comics again.
- Any books that are sold out books won’t be reprinted for the foreseeable future. I will include retailers who are selling that book on the item page.
- We have comics saved specifically for conventions this year, so if a book is sold out online, it may be available at a festival.
- Digital comics will be available to buy until December 31, 2024.
- The URL blackjoseipress.com will remain active, and starting Jan 1st, it will redirect to a page dedicated to Black Josei Press on jamilarowser.com. That page will include info about the books, creators, and retailers stocking our books.
- The social accounts will remain up, but will not be active starting Jan 1st (Twitter, Instagram, Bluesky.)
- The email hey@blackjoseipress.com will remain active and checked, but after Jan 1st I recommend you email me at jamila@jamilarowser.com for BJP-related questions.
- If you’re looking to help, you can check my healthcare wish list and wear a mask :)
If you have any questions, email me at hey@blackjoseipress.com.